How to clean the tongue
A regular toothbrush can be used to clean the tongue by moving the brush back and forth on the tongue, moving it on the sides, then washing the mouth with water, ensuring that it is done gently and the tongue is not injured, so that the tongue is not irritated.
Ways to clean the white tongue
Many home remedies help to remove the white tongue, including what comes
probiotics can be found in fermented foods, drinks, pickles, and yogurt. It is useful for the mouth and tongue and helps to achieve environmental balance in the mouth and avoid the white tongue, as it has the benefit of improving gut health.
Baking soda:
One study found that baking soda reduces harmful bacteria that cause the white tongue and inflammation in the mouth, such as streptococcus and ovaries.
Research has indicated that the compound in garlic called allicin is effective in combating candidiasis, as eating garlic alone or adding olive oil to it helps the body fight inflammation from candidiasis.
Scraping the tongue:
There are many tools dedicated to removing dirt from the tongue and gently scraping the tongue from the back to the front reduces and removes bacteria in the mouth.
Natural ways to clean the tongue.
- 1 Salt: Salt is one of the ways to get rid of the white tongue, remove the white substances stuck on the tongue, and help to clean the mouth, it also has a disinfectant property that helps to fight the bacteria that cause the appearance of mouth odor, coarse salt relieves dead cells.
- 2 Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice contains anti-inflammatory properties responsible for dealing with various problems in the mouth, it helps kill bacteria that cause the white tongue.
- 3 Tea Tree Oil: one of the most effective herbal remedies to get rid of the white tongue; Because it contains many antivirals, bacteria, and germs.
- 4 Yogurt: Contains probiotics that kill fungi and get rid of white tongue.
- 5 Oil withdrawal: By applying coconut oil which is one of the best treatments to remove the white tongue and remove yeast from the mouth and toxins from the body.
- 6 Oregano oil: Oregano oil contains antivirals, fungi, germs, oxidation, and parasites, where it is used as a natural antibiotic to get rid of the white tongue caused by antibiotics, and it also fights against candida, which is the main cause of the white tongue.
There are many natural ways to get rid of the white tongue quickly, including what comes:
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