Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy

 Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy: Workout Schedules, Supplements, Nutrition

Do you have a severe thinness problem? And you want to increase your muscle mass and increase your size, weight, and bone strength? Do you want to burn fat and know an effective slimming regimen? Are you confused between dozens of bodybuilding exercises and want to know which exercise schedule is right for you? Do you need to familiarize yourself with a good nutrition program for weight gain? Do you want to learn about the best supplements for weight gain and net muscle mass gain? In this comprehensive guide, you will find the answers to all your questions hopefully. Also, you will learn about modern techniques to quickly increase muscle mass, warm-up methods, stretching exercises, and how to avoid injury and physical exhaustion.

Note: This guide prepares you to be a bodybuilding expert. It may be long but it is very necessary. It's better to spend a quarter of an hour reading than wasting years of your life with failed training and nutrition programs.

Page 1

What is bodybuilding?

The history of bodybuilding

Benefits of bodybuilding

How do you start your career?

General introduction to nutrition

Page 2

Weight gain diet

Beginner's Bodybuilding Exercise Schedule

Page 3

Best supplements for weight gain and muscle mass

Photos and heroes of bodybuilders

General tips for success and for the perfect body

Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy

What is a bodybuilding sport?

The sport of bodybuilding, or bodybuilding, is a sport of lifting heavy weights with a periodic increase in weights. This is to increase muscle mass, improve the appearance of the body and strengthen joints and ligaments. Some trainees practice the sport to participate in tournaments, and they are professional players and most of them use steroids and hormones. Some practice this sport to improve the appearance of the body, gain weight or burn fat. Most professional athletes in all sports also practice heavy weight lifting exercises in various forms. Unfortunately, the media in Egypt highlights only the segment about professional players and promotes that bodybuilding is a sport of steroids and hormones. The media and the press also confuse hormones with natural supplements. They see that Wi-Protein and Sirius Mass are just like Testerson and Dicka!

History of Bodybuilding Sports

The sport of bodybuilding dates back to the ancient Greeks and pharaohs. The Greeks trained in the "Gymnasium," a Greek word meaning "Naked place." The Greeks raised heavy weights to train for the sports they practiced and not to increase muscle.

Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy

BodybuilderThe most famous Greek trainee was a wrestler named "Mello" and sports history books say he carried a large buffalo on his back and walked long distances to increase his muscular strength.

In the eighteenth century in Europe, bodybuilding was popularized due to the proliferation of strength championships and weightlifting championships.

The Beginning of Modern Bodybuilding with Eugene Sando

Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy

In the mid-nineteenth century, bodybuilding began to spread as a way to build muscle. Eugene Sandhu (born 1867) became famous in Britain. Eugene had a strong and attractive body and was displaying his body in theaters for the enjoyment of viewers.

Although people used to go to watch power shows and lift heavy weights, Eugene's performances to accentuate his attractive body with large muscle mass proved that people prefer to watch bodies with twisted muscles than to watch power shows.

Eugene used his power to sell sporting goods and make products bearing his name. His portraits were even sold for thousands of dollars.

Benefits of Bodybuilding Sports

The benefits of bodybuilding go far beyond just increasing muscle mass. Bodybuilding also benefits children and the elderly. They are even almost necessary for old ladies.

  • Man loses muscle mass and bone density with age. The sport of bodybuilding and heavy weight lifting will reflect this process.
  • The sport of lifting weights increases bone density. The more weights and loads on bones, ligaments, and joints, the stronger these ligaments and bones will be. This helps in the fight against osteoporosis.
  • Bodybuilding exercises help fight chronic diseases. Lifting heavy weights helps fight the symptoms of diabetes and heart disease and fight obesity and rheumatism.
  • Increased muscle mass prevents diabetes. When muscles increase, these muscles pull excess sugar out of the blood, which means greater control over blood sugar levels.
  • Iron exercises for the elderly help to activate the brain and nervous system and increase strength and balance making them dispense with helping young people with movement.
  • Studies have proven that bodybuilding exercises help improve mood, combat stress and depression and improve concentration.
  • These are just examples of bodybuilding benefits for all ages. And not a complete inventory of it. Studies and research continue to prove every year more benefits of bodybuilding exercises.

Next page "How to start your journey with the sport of bodybuilding"

How to start your bodybuilding career?

Many beginners make the common mistake of not making a plan and not setting a goal. Most Arab trainees go to the gym and practice randomly. This leads to very frustrating results and causes hatred in the gym for the same beginner. A long-term plan should be made and the plan divided into stages.

Your body fat percentage, muscle mass weight, and weight should be measured. So that there is a clear path and a specific goal to walk on.

Arm sizes, thighs, chest circumference, and shoulder should be taken and, of course, reviewed every month.

You should take preliminary pictures of yourself from the front, side, and back, in a resting position and a muscle lift mode.

The Step of Choosing the Right Gym

In the gym of your choice, the following are preferred:

  • Ladies' appointments don't interfere with your appointments.
  • Be close to you so you don't get lazy about going.
  • Its costs should be reasonable.
  • Most of the devices in it should be free iron (municipal iron)
  • It should have a cage for squats (squats).

Other very important tips before starting a bodybuilding sport

  • You must have a piece of paper to write down the weights you are playing with, or you can download programs on your phones such as JEFIT or Gymbuddy
  • It is preferable to buy a bag for the gym and take a towel and a bottle of water.
  • It is preferable to buy light cotton clothes for exercise and exercise shoes with a slender heels. Stay away from thick running shoes as they weaken the thrust of your feet and reduce your balance.
  • Never stop teaching and reading nutrition and training articles.

General Introduction to Bodybuilding Nutrition:

All types of food consist of the following:

  • protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Saturated fats
  • Unsaturated fats
  • water
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins, minerals, and salts

Examples (click to enlarge):

Bodybuilding | The Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Muscle Hypertrophy

To get 60 grams of protein from the chick breasts you should eat 200 grams of chicks. That is, the 200 grams of chicks are not equal to 200 grams of protein.

A gram of protein has 4 calories, a gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, and a gram of fat has 9 calories.

That is, 100 grams of chick breasts have 31 grams of protein * 4 calories + 4 grams of fat * 9 calories = 165 calories.

About the benefits of food items for bodybuilding champions:


  • Protein is a chain of amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of all body tissues.
  • Protein is used to form bones, skin, nails, hair, muscles, and cells. Protein also has a great role in the production of all enzymes important to the body. Protein intake induces the body to form amino acids, build muscle and inhibit muscle wasting for long hours.
  • Protein intake leads to increased strength in the gym. Protein intake also speeds up muscle recovery after exercise.
  • Protein intake increases bone density and protects against osteoporosis. It also leads to the strengthening of ligaments and joints and faster recovery from injury. Protein intake leads to improved brain function, faster sleep, and fewer times to wake up at night.

Carbohydrates (starches)

  • Carbohydrates are all sorts of starches and sugars in the diet.
  • Carbohydrates are the body's favorite fuel to convert into energy. Starches break down rapidly into blood glucose as a source of energy for all cells.
  • Muscle-stored glycogen (glucose) helps prevent muscle protein breakdown due to energy needs.
  • Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for the brain. Blocking carbohydrates from the diet leads to a feeling of dizziness, fatigue, and weakness.

Fat for bodybuilding:

  • Fats in the diet are divided into saturated fats and unsaturated fats. First of all, I would like to point out that many recent studies have shown that saturated fats are not associated with a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, we believe that saturated fats (with animal sources of meat, dairy, eggs.. etc) are useful for the body.
  • Eating fat does not lead to fat accumulation as is common. It is even eating more calories than you need that leads to fat accumulation.
  • Eating fat is essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A-D-E-K

Saturated fats:

  • Saturated fats stimulate the liver to get rid of the fat stored in it. Which leads to better functioning of the liver.
  • Saturated fats strengthen immunity. They help white platelets quickly recognize objects harmful to the body from viruses and bacteria, which leads to their rapid elimination.
  • Saturated fats help to increase the secretion of the male hormone and this hormone has great benefits on tissue repair and muscle building.

Unsaturated fats:

  • Unsaturated fats are found in fish oils, nuts, and all-natural oils.
  • Unsaturated fats contain essential fats, omega-3s that the body does not make and needs from an external source.
  • Unsaturated fats help reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body.
  • Unsaturated fats lead to lower blood pressure and improve brain function.
  • Unsaturated fats lead to an increase in hormones that are beneficial for building muscle and burning fat and also help prevent cancer.


  • Fiber is a type of carbohydrate, found in plant food sources and cannot be digested or absorbed by the body. Fiber passes through the stomach, small intestine, and colon without breaking.
  • From sources of fiber: vegetables - fruits - whole wheat products - brown rice - legumes - cereals
  • Fiber leads to an increase in the size and weight of the stool which prevents cases of constipation, diarrhea, and irregular stool.
  • Fiber helps prevent stomach and colon cancer and other diseases that afflict them.
  • Fiber leads to a reduction in LDL cholesterol. Some studies have shown the role of fiber in protecting the heart from disease.


  • 55%-60% of the human body consists of water.
  • Water is the main influencer on blood density, affecting the control of body temperature and the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the body.
  • Water helps to drain all residues into the body through urine.
  • Water is a key factor for all biochemical processes in all cells of the body.
  • Drinking water in large quantities leads to the sending of signals to the body's hormones responsible for draining water. This means that drinking plenty of water lowers water retention in the body! And it makes you look more agile.

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