Harva Slimming Tablets – Benefits, Harms and How to Use

Harva Slimming Tablets

German Harva slimming and fat-burning tablets produced by the German company Harva are one of the most famous slimming supplements in America and the Arab world

The manufacturer of Harva slimming tablets claims to be able to increase the rate of fat burning, suppress appetite, and thus lose weight and treat obesity.

In this article, we will learn together about everything related to Harva slimming tablets: ingredients, benefits, harms, and how to use them.

What are Harva slimming tablets?

German Harva slimming pills are one of the strongest slimming products in the American market due to their active ingredients in burning fat and raising metabolic rates.

The ingredients of Harva pills are natural and therefore safe for most users. Some claims say that the supplement is capable not only of losing weight but also of sculpting the body and maintaining the perfect figure for a long time.

Ingredients of the original German Harva slimming pills 

Original German harva pills contain the following ingredients:

  • Chromium: 150 mcg
  • African Mango Extract: 60 mg
  • Wild Berry Extract: 70 mg
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract: 80 mg
  • Gymnema sylvestre herb extract: 20 mg
  • Other Ingredients: Green Coffee Extract, Green Tea Extract, and Other Ingredients

Benefits of Original Harva Pills Ingredients for Slimming

Chromium ChromiumChromium 

Improve blood sugar levels

In healthy people, the hormone insulin stimulates blood sugar to enter the different cells to be burned and utilized.

In diabetics, there is an imbalance in the body's cells responding to the hormone insulin.

Several studies have found that chromium supplements have the ability to improve blood sugar levels in diabetics. 

One 16-week study found that taking 200 micrograms of chromium daily helps lower blood sugar and insulin levels while improving the body's response to the hormone insulin. 

Other studies have found that people with high blood sugar levels with reduced cell sensitivity to insulin respond better to chromium supplementation. 

Also, one major study of more than 62,000,000 adults found that the likelihood of developing diabetes was 27 percent lower in people taking chromium-containing supplements. 

On the other hand, many studies ranging in duration from 3 months to more have not seen an improvement in blood sugar levels in adults with type II diabetes. 

In addition, research on obese people without diabetes has found that taking 1,000 micrograms per day of chromium does not improve the body's response to the hormone insulin. 

In a massive analysis of 425 healthy people taking chromium supplements, there was no difference in blood sugar or insulin levels. 

Suppress appetite and reduce the desire to eat

People who are constantly trying to lose weight know very well the sensation of hunger and the strong desire to eat that engulfs them.

Therefore, many of them are looking for foods, supplements, and medicines to curb this desire.

Several studies have been conducted on chromium supplements to find out their ability to suppress appetite and reduce the desire to eat or not.

One 8-week study found that taking 1,000 micrograms of chromium as chromium picolinate leads to a reduction in the amount of food eaten throughout the day while increasing the sensation of satiety and reducing the unbridled desire to eat in healthy overweight women. 

These effects occur as a result of chromium's effect on the brain.

Several other research has been done on some depressed patients as well as some people with compulsive eating disorders, as these people may benefit greatly from suppressing appetite and reducing the constant sensation of hunger.

One study was conducted over 8 weeks in 113 people with depression who took either 600 micrograms of chromium in the form of chromium picolinate or fake drugs.

The researchers found a marked reduction in appetite and desire to eat in the chromium picolinate group compared to fake real estate. 

Also, one small study found some benefits in people with compulsive eating disorders. Chromium doses ranging from 600 to 1000 mcg per day in particular lead to a marked decrease in the number of times you eat while treating some symptoms of depression. 

Weight Loss

As a result of chromium's role in nutrient metabolism and its potential effects on dietary behavior, several studies have been conducted to find out that it can be used as a dietary supplement for weight loss.

There is a comprehensive analysis of 9 different studies involving 622 overweight or obese people to find out the full picture of chromium's effect on weight loss.

The doses that have been used in the studies of them have reached 1000 micrograms per day of chromium picolinate.

Overall, the analysis found that chromium picolinate may lead to a slight weight loss of up to 1.1 kg after 12 to 16 weeks in obese and overweight people.

Even with these results, the analysis did not give a definitive answer as to whether chromium is an effective ingredient in weight loss or not. 

Another analysis of 11 different chromium and weight loss studies reached a similar conclusion where the researchers found that the rate of weight loss reached 0.5 kg within 8 to 26 weeks of taking chromium supplements. 

Several other studies on healthy adults have found that chromium supplementation does not have an effect on body composition in terms of fat and muscle ratio even as combined with exercise. 

African Mango ExtractAfrican Mango

African mango bean extract has recently gained wide fame as a slimming supplement. This extract is sourced from African mango fruit beans and is available in the form of capsules, liquids, and powders.

The extract is used in many slimming supplements such as harva while combining it with other extracts such as cranberries, green tea, and green coffee. 

African mango fruit extract inhibits fat cell growth, but more studies in humans are required to confirm these findings.

African mango fruit is rich in proteins, fats, and vitamin C. On the other hand, African mango extract extracted from fruit seeds contains certain nutrients.

African mango seeds are rich in many vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. African mango seeds are also rich in soluble fiber, antioxidants, and plant proteins. 

Also, they are rich in healthy fats as African mango seeds contain large amounts of myrictic acid and lauric acid. These saturated fats are also present in large quantities in coconut oil.

One recent study found 41 phenolic compounds in African mango seeds, including tannin, flavonoids, and ellagic acid. Phenol compounds act as powerful antioxidants in fighting free radicals that cause many chronic diseases in the body. 

African Mango Seed Extract and Weight Loss

One 10-week study of 52 adults who took 300 mg of African mango seed extract found that all participants lost weight by an average of 12.8 kg in addition to a decrease in waist circumference by 16.2 cm and a decrease in body fat levels by 6.3%. 

In addition, the study saw a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar levels as well as total fat levels and LDL cholesterol.

Several other researches have found the same results.

One 90-day study was conducted on 24 adults with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that increase the risk of chronic diseases. In the study, volunteers took 300 mg of African seed extract. The study found a significant reduction in blood sugar levels, waist circumference, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol compared to placebo drugs. 

Another study of 72 adults who took African mango seed extract with a commodity plant or Cissus quadrangularis for 10 days found an 8.8% reduction in body weight in the group that ate only a commodity plant, while the group that took African mango seed extract with a commodity plant experienced a decrease in body weight by an average of 11%.

The decrease in body fat and waist circumference in both groups was also noticeable. 

Cranberry ExtractCranberry 

Rich in antioxidants

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants that help prevent free radicals from destroying cells such as ellagic acid, anthocyanin, and resveratrol. In addition to protecting cells, these plant compounds reduce the risk of many diseases. 

In fact, cranberries are one of the most antioxidant-containing fruits like pomegranates. 

In addition, studies on the antioxidants found in cranberries have proven their ability to reduce levels of oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

One study on a group of healthy men found that consuming 300 grams of cranberries helps protect DNA from the destruction caused by free radicals. 

Another study on healthy people found that eating 500 grams of cranberries every day for a month helps reduce oxidative factors by up to 38%. 

Improve blood sugar levels and cell sensitivity to insulin

Cranberries improve blood sugar and insulin levels.

Laboratory and human studies confirm that cranberries protect cells from high blood sugar, improve cell sensitivity to the hormone insulin, and help lower high blood sugar levels and insulin response to carbohydrate-rich meals. 

These effects appear in both healthy people and people with insulin resistance.

One study was done on a group of healthy women who ate 150 grams of cranberries and found a decrease in insulin levels compared to the group that did not eat it. 

Also, in a 6-week study of a group of obese and insulin-resistant people, consuming cranberry drinks twice a day helped improve cell sensitivity to insulin compared to people who consumed cranberry-free drinks. 

Rich in fiber

Cranberries and berries in general are rich sources of fiber, especially dissolved fiber. Studies show that the consumption of dissolved fiber slows down the movement of food in the digestive tract, which helps to increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the number of times you eat, thus reducing the number of calories eaten, which helps to control weight more easily. 

Also, fiber helps reduce the number of calories eaten in meals. One study found that doubling the amount of fiber in meals reduces the number of calories eaten by about 130 calories a day. 

In addition, the high fiber content found in cranberries means that they do not contain a large number of carbohydrates as the fiber content is calculated by subtracting them from the total amount of carbohydrates.

Providing the body with a lot of nutrients

Cranberries contain few calories and yet are extremely rich in many nutrients. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, it also contains many vitamins and minerals.

Cranberries contain a large amount of vitamin C and amounts of manganese, copper, and folate. 

The number of calories in 100 grams of cranberries ranges from 32 to 57 calories making cranberries one of the least calorie fruits. 

Fighting infections

Cranberries are considered a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Infections are the body's reaction to infections and injuries.

On the other hand, the current lifestyle leads to the accumulation of inflammation in the long run as a result of stress and low levels of physical activity, and unhealthy foods.

This type of chronic inflammation leads to many chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Studies also suggest the antioxidant capacity found in cranberries helps reduce inflammatory factors. 

One study of a number of overweight people found that eating cranberry extract with meals high in carbohydrates and fats found a significant reduction in levels of inflammatory factors compared to placebo drugs. 

Lowering cholesterol levels

Cranberries are good for heart health.

Cranberries reduce cholesterol levels in people with obesity or metabolic syndrome. 

In an 8-week study of a group of adults with metabolic syndrome, eating cranberries daily helped lower LDL cholesterol levels by 11%. 

In addition, cranberries prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is a serious factor in heart disease.

A study of a group of obese people found that eating 50 grams of frozen cranberries for 8 weeks found a 28% reduction in levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol. 

Beneficial for skin health

Cranberries help reduce skin wrinkles as antioxidants help control free radicals which are one of the most important causes of long-term destruction of the skin. 

Although research is limited, ellagic acid is responsible for many of the benefits associated with the skin.

Laboratory and animal studies suggest that antioxidants protect the skin by blocking the production of enzymes that break down collagen in the skin that is constantly exposed to the sun. 

Collagen protein is an essential part of the skin's composition as it allows the skin to stretch naturally while maintaining its cohesion. Collagen breakdown leads to sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

One study found that applying ellagic acid to the skin of mice immediately after exposing them to UV radiation for 8 weeks reduced inflammation and helped protect collagen from cracking. 

Protection from cancers

Many of the antioxidants found in cranberries, especially ellagic acid, xanthan, and resveratrol, reduce the risk of cancers. 

In particular, animal and human studies suggest that cranberries protect against cancers of the esophagus, mouth, breast, and colon. 

In a study of 20 people with colon cancer who ate 60 grams of frozen cranberries for one to 9 weeks, an improvement in cancer markers were found in some, but not all, study participants. 

Another laboratory study found that cranberries have many properties capable of protecting against liver cancer due to their being rich in antioxidants. 

Maintain healthy arteries

In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, cranberries are good for heart health, especially improving arterial function.

The cells that line the blood vessels help control blood pressure, keep the blood from clotting and improve many important functions.

Infections of these cells disrupt their functions which contribute significantly to heart disease.

Studies on healthy people, people with metabolic syndrome, and smokers suggest that cranberries improve the functions of cells lining blood vessels. 

In a study of 44 people with metabolic syndrome, it was found that consuming a cranberry drink improved the functions of the cells lining blood vessels compared to placebo drugs.

Garcinia Cambogia ExtractGarcinia Cambogia 

Garcinia extract is extracted from the peel of the fruit containing large amounts of hydroxy citric acid or HCA and is attributed to the ability of Garcinia Cambogia to lose weight.

Supplements like Harva usually contain 20% to 60% hydroxy-citric acid. Studies show that 50% to 60% of this acid leads to effective slimming results. 

Does Garcinia Cambogia Extract Help Lose Weight Effectively?

Several studies in humans have been done to find out the effect of Garcinia Cambogia on weight loss.

Most of these studies say that Garcinia Cambogia may result in a slight weight loss of an average of 0.88 kg over a period of two to 12 weeks compared to fake real estate. 

In addition, several studies have found that Garcinia Cambogia is absolutely ineffective at losing weight. 

For example, one study of 135 people found no difference in weight loss between Garcinia Cambogia extract compared to fake drugs. 

Thus, Garcinia Cambogia extract may lead to weight loss in some people, but results are not guaranteed in all people.

How does Garcinia Cambogia work on weight loss?

Supplements containing Garcinia Cambogia work to lose weight in two ways:

Appetite suppression

Studies on mice show that Garcinia Cambogia reduces the desire to eat.

Studies in humans also show that Garcinia Cambogia is able to suppress appetite and increase feelings of fullness for a long time.

The way Garcinia Cambogia works to suppress appetite in humans is unclear, but studies on mice show that the active substances in Garcinia Cambogia extract increase serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a powerful appetite suppressant. The higher the levels of serotonin in the blood, the less desire to eat. 

By contseveral studies suggestuggest that Garcinia Cambogia is not effective at suppressing appetite compared to fake real estate. Thus, these effects may vary from person to person. 

Prevent fat production and reduce belly fat

Garcinia Cambogia affects blood lipid levels as well as the production of new fatty acids.

Studies on animals and humans suggest that garcinia Camcanble lowers high levels of fat in the blood as well as reduces levels of oxidative stress in the body. 

One study showed that garcinia Cambogia extract may have the potential to reduce the accumulation of belly fat, especially in overweight people.

Another study on obese people found that taking 2,800 milligrams of garcinia cambogia daily for 8 weeks significantly improved cholesterol levels (114) where:

  • Total cholesterol levels decreased by up to 6.3%.
  • PL cholesterol levels increased by up to 10.7%.
  • LDL cholesterol levels decreased by 12.3%.
  • Triglyceride levels decreased by as much as 8.6%.
  • The rate at which fat metabolites are eliminated increased by 125% to 258% through urine.

These effectbecauset that Garcinia Cambogia inhibits the levels of the stearic enzyme Citrate lyase, which plays an important role in the manufacture of fats.

By inhibiting the enzyme citrate lyase, Garcinia Cambogia extract inhibits the process of fat production. This inhibition reduces blood lipid levels and reduces the risk of weight gain. Increased blood lipid levels and weight gain are risk factors for many diseases.

Other Benefits

Animal and laboratory studies suggest that garcinia cambogia may have anti-diabetic effects. 

These effects include:

  • Reduce insulin levels
  • Reduce leptin levels
  • Treatment and reduction of inflammation
  • Improve blood sugar levels
  • Increased sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin

In addition, Garcinia Cambogia extract promotes digestive health. Animal studies suggest that Garcinia Cambogia protects the stomach from sores and reduces the damage that may occur to the inner wall of the digestive tract. 

But these effects need more studies to find out the effect of garcinia cambogia on humans.

Gymnema sylvestre extractGymnema herb 

Curb the urge to eat sugars

Gymnema herb extract helps reduce the desire to eat sugars.

One of the main ingredients in the herb of Gymnema is genomic acid which helps inhibit the taste of sugars by stopping the sugar taste receptors in the tongue. 

Research suggests that Gymnema herb extract reduces the ability to taste sugars, which discourages the intake of intoxicating foods.

In a study of fasting people, half of whom took Gymnema extract and the other half fake drugs, it was found that taking Gymnema herb extract inhibits appetite for sugary foods after meals in addition to reducing the amount of food eaten compared to fake drugs. 

Reduce blood sugar levels

Gymnema herb has anti-diabetic effects.

As a supplement, Gymnema herb extract is used in combination with various diabetes medications to reduce blood sugar levels as it is marketed as sugar-destroying. 

Gymnema herb extract inhibits the action of certain receptors in the intestine which reduces the absorption of sugars and thus reduces blood sugar levels after meals.

Research on the ability of gymnema to reduce blood sugar levels is limited, but current studies suggest it may be used as an antidiabetic supplement.

One study suggests that consuming 200 to 400 mg of geminican acid reduces the gut's ability to absorb glucose.

Another study found that gymnema improves blood sugar control levels, especially in patients with type II diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels.

This study concluded that reducing blood sugar levels after meals helps reduce blood sugar levels in the long run.

People with high blood sugar levels or high hemoglobin blood sugar levels may benefit from the herb of gymnema as it helps reduce fasting sugar levels and after meals as well as its levels in the long run.

If you are taking any of your diabetes medications, you should consult your doctor before taking supplements containing Gymnema herb extract such as a harva slimming supplement.

Improve insulin hormone levels

Gymnema affects insulin levels by increasing its secretion as well as its ability to stimulate cell regeneration. These effects help lower blood sugar levels.

Increasing insulin levels helps lower blood sugar levels faster by introducing it into cells to burn it and convert it into energy.

If you have type II diabetes or are likely to develop it, it means that your body is either unable to manufacture the hormone insulin or the cells are not responding to it and in both cases, your blood sugar levels are rising dramatically.

Gymnema stimulates the production of the hormone insulin from the pancreas and promotes the process of regeneration of hormone-producing cells which helps to reduce blood sugar levels.

Many diabetes medications help secrete the hormone insulin and increase cell sensitivity. But many supplements, such as gymnema, also help stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin.

Improve cholesterol levels

Gymnema herb helps reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Research suggests the ability of gymnema herb to absorb fats and their levels in the blood.

In a study of mice following a high-fat diet, it was found that gymnema herb extract helped regulate weight and inhibit liver fat accumulation. The study also found that mice that followed a balanced diet and took gymmenma herb extract experienced a decrease in triglyceride levels.

Another study found that the extract of the herb of gymnemia has anti-obesity properties on animals that follow high-fat diets. As welcanity to reduce blood lipid levels and LDL cholesterol. 

In addition, a study of obese people found that gymnema extract reduced triglyceride levels by up to 20% and LDL cholesterol levels by 19%. Also, the extract raises levels of beneficial cholesterol by up to 22%. 

High levels of LDL cholesterol and high triglycerides are risk factors for heart disease.

Thus, the effects of gymnema on LDL cholesterol and triglycerides contribute to a lower risk of heart disease.

Weight Loss

Gymnemia herb extract helps to lose weight in animals and humans.

One 3-week study in mice found a significant reduction in body weight after taking the herb of gymnemia. 

Another study found that mice on a high-fat diet and taking gymnemia extract gained less weight than mice that followed the same diet without eating the extract.

Another study of 60 obese people who took gymnemia extract found a weight loss rate of 5 percent to 6 percent as well as a decrease in the amount of food eaten. 

Calorie deficiency caused by the effects of gymnema herb is the main cause of weight loss.

Reduce and treat infections

Several studies have confirmed that there is a close association between significant sugar intake and increased inflammatory factors in animals and humans. 

The ability of gymnema to reduce the absorption of sugar from the intestines can contribute to significantly reducing inflammation caused by the intake of sugars.

Gemini also has anti-inflammatory properties due to its high amounts of tannin and saponins, which are powerful antioxidants.

Also, the leaves of the herb of gymnemia have stimulant and immune-regulating properties which help reduce inflammation. 

Diabetics suffer from high blood sugar levels, increased insulin resistance, as well as low levels of antioxidants, which increase the likelihood of chronic infections. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties of gymnemia, gymnemia herb helps diabetics and people with high sugar levels fight inflammation.

Green Coffee ExtractCoffee bean extract 

Green coffee beans are raw beans that have not been roasted and differ from roasted beans in the amount of chlorogenic acid. This acid is a powerful antioxidant that has many anti-inflammatory properties and also many health benefits. 

Raw grains contain high amounts of chlorogenic acid. 

Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work on Weight Loss?

In 2012, green coffee beans were promoted as the ultimate weight loss solution in Dr. Oz's program and although many nutritionists criticized the effectiveness of green coffee beans on weight loss, they are included in many slimming supplements and medications.

Several small studies in mice have found that green coffee bean extract helps reduce overall body weight and significantly reduce fat accumulation. 

But studies in humans are inconclusive in this regard as most of them have been small and scientifically poorly designed studies although their results suggest the effectiveness of green coffee beans on weight loss. 

Hence, more scientifically designed studies are needed to determine whether green coffee beans are effective at losing weight in humans.

Other Benefits

Green coffee beans have many other health benefits.

The chlorogenic acid found in green coffee beans helps reduce the risk of many chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

In an 8-week study of 50 people with metabolic syndrome — a combination of risk factors including high blood pressure and blood sugar levels that increase the likelihood of heart disease and diabetes — they consumed 400 mg of decaffeinated green coffee bean extract twice daily.

This study found that volunteers who consumed green coffee bean extract had improved fasting blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure and waist circumference compared to volunteers who took fake drugs.

Although these results are promising, more studies are needed.

Green Tea Extract

The benefits of green tea leaves are many and include:

Rich in antioxidants

Most of the benefits of green tea extracbecauset that it is rich in antioxidants.

The antioxidant phenols found in green tea extract, called catechins, make up the majority of the antioxidants found in green tea extracts, including EGCG extract, to which most of the benefits of green tea are attributed.

Studies show that the antioxidants found in green tea help increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes which in turn protect the body from oxidative stress associated with many health problems. 

For example, a 2012 study of 35 obese people found that taking 870 mg of green tea extract leads to an increase in antioxidants in the body at a rate of 1.2 to 2.5 micromoles per liter. 

But the doses taken of green tea extract in this study are extremely high and may reach toxicity therefore, it is unclear whether taking green tea extract in low doses and safe has the same effect.

Promote heart health

Oxidative stress as a result of increased accumulation of fat in blood vessels is closely associated with increased arterial inflammation and therefore high blood pressure. 

The antioxidants found in green tea extract help reduce these inflammations and thus lower blood pressure. This effect may also help inhibit the absorption of fat in cells which may help lower blood lipid levels. 

One 2012 study of 56 obese people plus high blood pressure found that taking 397 mg of green tea extract daily for 3 months helps lower blood pressure significantly compared to placebo drugs. 

The study also noted a marked decrease in blood lipid levels, especially triglycerides in addition to total fat and LDL cholesterol.

Another study of 33 people without any diseases found that taking 250 mg of green tea extract daily for 8 weeks reduced total cholesterol levels by up to 3.9% and LDL cholesterol by up to 4.5%. 

Because high blood pressure and high blood lipid levels are risks of heart disease, regulating them helps reduce the risk of these diseases.

Beneficial for brain health

The antioxidants found in green tea extract, especially the EGCG compound, help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

This effect reduces the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. 

Green tea extract also helps reduce the effect of heavy metals such as iron and copper, which are known to affect brain cells.

Also, green tea extract helps to enhance memory by stimulating the bonding between different parts of the brain.

One study was conducted in 2014 on 12 people who consumed either a drink containing 27.5 grams of green tea extract or a placebo extract. Then, all study participants underwent memory tests with brain imaging to evaluate their functions.

The group that took green tea extract saw an improvement in the ability to perform tasks as well as an enhancement of brain function compared to the group that took the placebo extract.

Weight Loss

Green tea extract is rich in catechins and contains a reasonable amount of caffeine. These ingredients are responsible for the effect of green tea extract on weight loss.

Catechins and caffeine both help regulate hormones that stimulate the process of heat generation that the body uses to burn calories and digest food and thus produce energy and heat. Increased calorie burning necessarily leads to weight loss. 

One study was conducted on 14 people who took capsules containing a combination of caffeine and EGCG extract found in green tea as well as guarana extract before each meal. Next, the effect of these ingredients on calorie burning was studied, and found that participants burned more calories at a rate of 179 calories within 24 hours.

Are there studies that contradict previous findings?

Yes, several other studies contradict these findings.

In a carefully designed study of 60 adults, one group of them took 56 mg of green tea extract with 28 or 45 mg of caffeine and the other group took fake drugs found that there was no difference in the rate of energy burned at rest as well as in the composition of the body in the two groups.

Also, there is research that tends to believe that the effect of green tea extract on calorie burning is due to the presence of only caffeine known to be a powerful stimulant of metabolic processes and energy production. 

One study found that the catechins found in green tea extract have no noticeable effect on energy production when compared to caffeine. 

Also, the amount of caffeine you consume may affect the body's response to green tea extract. In other words, people who consume high amounts of caffeine up to 300 mg per day, about 3 cups of coffee, may not respond to green tea extract compared to people who do not consume caffeine regularly. 

One study was conducted on 115 overweight women who took 856 mg of green tea extract or fake drugs daily. This study found that the group that took green tea extract lost about 1 kg while those who took the fake drugs lost more weight and experienced a loss in the waist and middle circumference. 

Be aware that the dose of green tea extract used in this study was high and may lead to poisoning if taken daily. People who take high doses of catechins found in green tea extract should monitor the levels of liver enzymes to avoid severe liver failure. 

Beneficial for liver health

The catechins found in green tea extract help reduce inflammation that may occur as a result of liver diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 

One study was conducted on 90 volunteers with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who took either 500 mg of green tea extract or a placebo for 90 days. 

Studies show that green tea extract has the potential to significantly reduce liver enzyme levels, proving that it can improve liver health. 

A study of 17 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who consumed 700 ml of green tea extract at a concentration of 1 gram of catechins daily for 12 weeks found a marked reduction in liver fat and inflammation levels and oxidative stress levels. 

But, as we have already explained, it is important to do regular liver function tests while taking green tea extract as high doses of catechins found in green tea may harm liver health. Consult your doctor before taking supplements containing green tea extract, especially if you have any liver disease, to determine the most appropriate dosage for you.

Reduce the risk of cancers

The death and regeneration of tissue cells and organs help keep the body from risk of cancer. Stem cells are constantly producing new cells to replace cells that die. It is this process that keeps the cells healthy and active.

When any disruption occurs in this process, cancer cells begin to form. These cells are dysfunctional and do not die as they are revived at the time of their death and regeneration.

The antioxidants found in green tea extract, especially the EGCG compound, have a significant effect on maintaining the balance of the process of death and cell regeneration.

One study was to find out the effect of taking 600 mg of catechins found in green tea extract daily for a year on the risk of prostate cancer.

This study found that the probability of prostate cancer was 3% in the group that took green tea extract while it was about 30% in the placebo group. 

Beneficial for skin health

Whether taken as a supplement or applied directly to the skin, green tea extract improves skin health. 

In a large analysis, it was explained that green tea extract treats a lot of skin problems such as rosacea, fish-eye or acacia, and eczema and it also helps prevent acne and the effects of premature skin aging. 

For example, one study found that consuming 1500 mg of green tea extract daily for 4 weeks leads to pustules on the skin, especially in cases of acne. 

In addition, green tea extract helps prevent many skin problems such as loss of skin elasticity, skin infections, premature skin aging as well as cancers that may occur as a result of UV exposure.

One study of 10 people found that using a cream containing green tea extract for 60 days significantly improved skin elasticity.

Also, another study found that green tea extract reduces the destruction that occurs to skin cells as a result of sun exposure.

Also, several studies have found that adding green tea extract to skin care products helps to moisturize the skin and maintain this effect for a long time.

Enhance the ability to perform exercise and recovery

Green tea extract helps to perform the aerobic exercise by improving the ability to perform aerobic exercise and promoting muscle recovery.

Exercise has many health benefits, but it is known to lead to increased oxidative stress and the destruction of body cells. Antioxidants such as catechins found in green tea extract help reduce cell destruction and delay access to muscle fatigue. 

One study of 35 adult men found that taking green tea extract with exercise intended to increase strength for 4 weeks boosted the body's ability to prevent antioxidants. 

In addition, one study of 16 runners who consumed green tea extract for 4 weeks found an increase in protection against oxidative stress produced as a result of repeated sprinting. 

Green tea extract also enhances the ability to perform the exercise.

One study of 14 adult men found that taking green tea extract for 4 weeks increased the distance to run by about 10.9%.

Help lower blood sugar levels

The catechins found in green tea, especially EGCG, increase insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar production. These effects help lower high blood sugar levels.

One study was done on 14 people without any diseases who took sugars and then were divided into two groups: the first group took 1.5 grams of green tea extract while the second group took a placebo. The green tea group improved their blood sugar levels after 30 minutes and this positive effect lasted for a while compared to the placebo group.

Another study found that green tea extract improves cell sensitivity to insulin in healthy young people by up to 13%.

Note that previous studies were small and participants did not suffer from any diseases. On the other hand, many diabetics take many medications that affect liver health and many suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver. They must therefore constantly monitor the levels of liver enzymes.

If you are diabetic, you should consult your doctor before taking any supplements containing green tea extract.

In a comprehensive analysis of 17 studies, I concluded that green tea extract is beneficial in lowering fasting sugar levels. Green tea extract may also help lower levels of diabetic hemoglobin, which measures blood sugar levels over the past three months. 

Indications for the use of Harva pills for slimming

  • Fast and safe weight loss
  • Increase the sensation of satiety and thus reduce the amount of food eaten and suppress appetite
  • Increase the body's ability to burn fat, especially stubborn belly fat
  • Prevent the absorption of fat by the body or the conversion of carbohydrates into fat
  • Improve digestion and promote digestive health
  • Increase energy and activity while following different diets
  • Get rid of excess water in the body and thus lose weight quickly at the beginning of the diet
  • Reduce total and bad cholesterol levels and raise levels of beneficial cholesterol

Benefits of Original Harva Pills for Slimming

  • Reach the ideal weight quickly and safely
  • Harva's ingredients are natural and safe and do not contain any manufactured substances or hormones
  • Increase metabolic rates and raise levels of heat generation and thus burn stubborn and accumulated fats
  • Does not affect the nervous system or mineral balance in the body or heart and blood vessels like many other slimming drugs
  • Improve psychological state as a result of weight loss quickly and without fatigue
  • Tightening the skin and preventing the appearance of sagging or cellulite and therefore not resorting to tightening the skin sagging after weight loss
  • Harva and New Harva slimming capsules contain many nutrients and thus compensate for the missing elements during the slimming process.

Side Effects and Damage of German Harva Pills for Slimming

Harva capsules contain 100% natural ingredients and therefore have no serious damage.

Side effects of Harva slimming pills include:

  • Sleep problems usually disappear after several days
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation especially if you don't drink too much fluid while taking harva capsules
  • Stomach pain
  • Headaches
  • Intense feeling of hunger and thirst
  • Mood swings in the early days of taking the supplement accompanied by feelings of depression, stress, and undesirable reactions such as crying

Most of these symptoms are rare and usually disappear after several days.

On the other hand, there are several symptoms that you should tell your doctor about as soon as they occur and immediately stop using Harva slimming pills such as:

  • Allergies to any of the components of the supplement.
  • Swelling of the face and tongue
  • The appearance of a rash
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hypertension
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Breathing and swallowing problems
  • Chest pain
  • Severe burning sensation or difficulty urinating
  • Disorders of the body's hormones, especially hormones regulating metabolism and the digestion of food
  • Blurred eye and blurred vision

Contraindications and warnings for Harva and New Harva slimming pills

It is strictly forbidden to use Harva or New Harva pills in the following cases:

  • Allergies to any of the components of the drug
  • Heart and Hypertension Patients
  • Liver and kidney patients
  • No use of harva capsules during pregnancy and lactation
  • Harva capsules are not allowed for children under 18 years of age

Dosage of Harva capsules for slimming and how to use them

The original German Harva slimming capsule dosage is one capsule a day half an hour before breakfast while drinking plenty of water and fluids.

Frequently Asked Questions About Harva Slimming Pills

What is the difference between original harva pills and imitation?

Original German Harva slimming pills have the following specifications:

  • The original pack contains 30 capsules and the mineral pack contains 36 capsules
  • The original capsules block the appetite after a week and the results begin to appear after about a month
  • Harva pills in the metal packaging inscribed with the mark Original Product

Harva imitation pills that are not original:

  • Imitation packaging with PLUS HARVA written on it
  • Imitation packaging contains 25 capsules
  • Imitation capsules do not work and therefore do not provide the desired results
  • Harva imitation capsules carved with an old blue thermal marker
  • The tape in the imitation package has HARVA written on it in black font

What is the difference between Harva Gold and New Harva?

DifferencesHarva GoldNew Harva
EffectivenessHarva Gold works to fill the appetiteNew Harva works to dissolve fat
Number of capsules40 Capsules36 Capsules
ingredientsHarva Gold capsules contain chromium metalNew Harva capsules contain 18 amino acids

My opinion on Harva slimming capsules

The original German Harva slimming capsules are a safe and effective solution for obese patients who want to lose weight quickly and effectively. The supplement contains a lot of ingredients that work to block the appetite and reduce the amounts of food eaten throughout the day and thus may help to get rid of excess weight quickly.

It's best to consult your doctor before taking a harva slimming supplement, especially if you have a chronic illness.

The bottom line

Harva slimming capsules are one of the best solutions out there to get rid of obesity and reach and maintain the ideal weight. But slimming supplements are not a magic solution and therefore you should follow a diet and exercise regularly to reach and maintain your ideal weight.

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