Types of testosterone that are used in bodybuilding
The goal of the exercise, especially bodybuilding exercises, has become to highlight the muscles of the body and not to strengthen the muscles and maintain their health, so there are many hormones that work to inflate the muscles and increase their mass in a short period of time; testosterone, but it should be noted the importance of consulting a specialist doctor before taking it to use it because of its many side effects, and the following points explain the difference between the types of testosterone used by bodybuilders:
Injectable testosterone
Injected testosterone is used once every week to two weeks with a doctor's consultation, as these injections can cause damage to the tissues of the body, so it is very important to sterilize the injections before injecting them and change the location of the injection each time, and some types of injected testosterone used:
Testosterone cypionate.
Testosterone enanthate.
Testosterone Testosterone undecanoate.
Testosterone propionate.
Testosterone on the skin Transdermal testosterone
Testosterone is in the form of a gel or cream, which is applied directly to the skin, and it is preferable to use this method instead of injections because of its ease of use and to stabilize the amount of testosterone used daily, but its use can lead to some side effects, such as skin irritation, and the transmission of the hormone from person to person through contact, in addition to the possibility of wiping the gel during movement or friction, which may reduce the amount consumed.
Mouth testosterone
Testosterone can be taken orally as an alternative to the previous methods, but it may increase the likelihood of irritability and infection although most people prefer it for ease of taking, and there are many types of testosterone used orally, some of which include:
Holstein Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin).
Proviron Mesterolone (Proviron).
Dianabol Methandienone (Dianabol).
Subcutaneous testosterone pellets
Testosterone used under the skin is a form of hormone therapy and is in the form of very small granules about the size of a grain of rice, implanted by the doctor under the skin near the hip or on the buttocks, and these granules contain crystallized testosterone, which secretes a fixed and low dose to the person, and works inside the body for up to 6 months.
Side Effects of Testosterone Use
With the widespread use of testosterone, its misuse, and excessive intake of its doses, may lead to many diseases, and the following points illustrate some of the diseases resulting from the use of testosterone:
Increased likelihood of heart disease.
Negative changes in mood increased aggressive behaviors.
It may cause some liver diseases, such as liver dysfunction.
It can lead to baldness in women and men as a result of hormone imbalance.
Increase in acne.
Increases appetite and therefore may affect weight.
It May cause headaches.
increase in the roughness of the voice of women;
Changes in the dates of the menstrual cycle in women.
Increased hair growth in the different place's of the body.
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