How to take care of my skin in the summer

 How to take care of my skin in the summer

How to take care of my skin in the summer

Skincare in summer

Summer affects the skin, which is worth taking care of, changing the skincare routine to look best during the hot summer months, and taking into account what the skin needs. The skin may not dry as easily as in winter, but it still needs care, to deal with sunlight and the effects of sunscreen products, and it is important in this chapter not to skip cleaning and moisturizing, to avoid the appearance of pimples.

Face cleaning

Wash your face with a light face cleanser four times a day, preferably gel, unless the skin is very dry and the face cleanser cream can be used, It is preferable to clean the skin by going to the specialists to clean the skin once a month, to relieve the skin and clean the pores, to get rid of the sensitivity of the skin, as the production of fat on the skin increases in the summer, which blocks the pores, leading to skin problems.

Sun protection

Sunscreen should be used half an hour before sun exposure and reapplied during daylight hours, especially if sun exposure is between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. because sunlight is strong at the time.

Use toner

Toner keeps the pores of the skin closed and cools the skin, so you should use the right toner for the skin type, or use rose water that has chilled skin properties.

Use skin moisturizer 

You should drink plenty of water in summer to keep the skin hydrated, but you should not skip moisturizing the skin, especially with a water-based moisturizer, to protect the skin.

Keep skin hydrated from the inside

Soft drinks should be converted because they contain sugar and are bad for the skin, so you should drink fresh juices, for example, coconut water, fruit juice, and certainly water, to keep your skin smooth and healthy.

Exfoliation of the skin

Exfoliate the skin twice a week and if the skin is greasy it can be peeled 2-3 times a week, to get rid of dead skin, tan, boost circulation, rejuvenate skin cells, and keep skin soft and clear.

Eye cream

The daily eye cream is heavy in the summer, so it can be replaced with a light eye cream, and heavy use only at night, and the lips must be protected as well with protective moisturizers for the lips.

 and here is the cream you can use, you can buy it from Amazon

Remove make-up

It is absolutely necessary to remove make-up in the evening, by taking BB cream with a light makeup remover, then rinse the face with a gentle cleanser or wash with light glycolic. Next, apply a light moisturizer, fragrance-free.

Fatty skincare in summer

There are several things to consider for oily skin care in summer, including Do not rub skin harshly when peeling, because the fat produced by the skin keeps the skin hydrated and protects it from irritation, and use a gentle and alcohol-free skin cleanser. Frequent facial washing stimulates fat production during the summer months, so the face can be washed only twice a day, and a cleanser containing salicylic acid can be used once a week. Do not touch the face with your hands so that the skin does not become more greasy. Use a lotion with astringent lotion in an equal amount with rose water, keep it in the refrigerator, and use moisturizers and detergents containing glycolic acid, willow acid, niacin amide, caffeine, washing, and facial care using these products once or twice a day. Eat foods that contain vitamin A because it makes oily skin normal and normal, necessary in the process of regenerating skin cells, and can be taken through supplements, or by eating carrots, spinach, watermelon, and fish. Peel skin once a week, and fruits, cucumbers, and lemons can be added in making a natural home peeler because it suits oily skin more.

Dry skin care in summer

There are several things to consider for dry skin care during the summer months because these skins can crack, itch and peel, including: Do not bathe with hot water, bathe for a short time, and use soap suitable for dry skin and fragrance-free. Use the moisturizer after cleaning the skin with a light cleanser, preferably containing ceramide, and severely exfoliate the skin because it irritates dry skin. 

Mixed skin care in summer

Mixed skin is usually greasy in the forehead, nose, and chin area called the T zone, and the rest of the skin is dry, so it is difficult to have products dedicated to this type of skin, which also suffer during the summer, as the secretion of fat in fatty areas must be controlled, and the hydration of dry areas must be maintained, so you can try some household mixtures that take care of this type of skin, such as honey mixture, yogurt and rose water; Skin and rose water control fat secretion, refresh and protect the skin from the sun, and apply in the following way:
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • A tablespoon of yogurt.
  • A tablespoon of rose water.
How to prepare:
  • Mix ingredients and apply to the skin evenly.
  • Leave the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then wash the skin with normal water.

Sensitive skin care in summer

Sensitive skin is the most severe type of skin that suffers and is difficult to care for because it is irritated by several factors, such as the use of skin care products that do not suit them or getting out in the sun causes redness, and the reaction of this skin ranges from slight to severe, so it is preferable to use some natural substances on sensitive skin such as natural honey.

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