How do I maintain my fitness and what is the proper nutrition?

How do I maintain my fitness and what is the proper nutrition?

 There are many misconceptions about strength training and nutrition that mislead many people. These beliefs embrace "you can't build muscle by consumption vegetables", "carbs aren't smart for your body", "eating fat results in obesity", "only a diet helps you build muscle", and many others. Unfortunately, the more people believe these untrue claims, the more they will stray from achieving their fitness goals and thus, will be disappointed that their efforts have not paid off.

Right Bite, a leading nutrition consultancy and delivery of healthy meals tailored to each customer's needs, debunks some of these common misconceptions to help individuals achieve their exercise and strength training goals. In this regard, Maria Abi Hanna, Dietitian at Right Bite, pointed out that proper nutrition is an essential component of physical training.

“A healthy diet will assist you build muscle, improve stamina, and speed up your recovery once it involves exercise and fitness,” same Maria. “Although everybody looks to be usually making an attempt to search out quick results once it involves understanding and staying fit. "With muscle bulk, muscle very takes time to grow, thus it' vital to line realistic goals. Typically, gaining 0.2-0.5 kg of muscle per week is a healthy and reasonable goal."

Eating a healthy diet of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean protein, as well as plenty of vitamins and minerals, is just as important as the exercise you do. Maria stressed that you can do as many intense exercises as you want but if you are not eating properly, your muscles will not grow.

"First, athletes need to consume more calories than they use to gain weight. A common misconception among athletes is that the best way to bulk up muscle is by eating a high-protein diet. Although adequate protein intake is essential to gaining muscle, the best way to gain muscle is to eat a protein-rich diet. muscle mass, but most of the energy needed to fuel muscle growth comes from consuming enough calories from carbohydrates and fats.

Maria offers the following top tips for maintaining fitness, building muscle mass and gaining more strength:

1. Eat regularly and on time 

Try to organize meal times and eat around the same time every day. Eat each 3-4 hours and avoid late dinners.

Enjoy eating small, balanced meals frequently to help boost your metabolism.

2. Drink enough water to keep your muscles hydrated

It's necessary to remain hydrous throughout the day and through exercise. It is recommended to drink half a liter of water 2-3 hours before exercise, in addition to a glass of fluid every 15-20 minutes during the exercise.

It is recommended to reduce the intake of caffeinated and sugar-sweetened beverages, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and juices.

3. Enjoy a balanced diet consisting of:


Carbohydrates play an important role in providing energy to your muscles during exercise, as they are the primary source of energy in your body.

Not including carbohydrates in your diet causes the protein in your muscles to break down to give you energy. In general, carbohydrates should make up 45-60% of your daily calories.

Choose complex carbohydrates at each meal such as brown bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and sweet potatoes, and avoid simple sugars such as honey, white flour, sugar, candy and soda.


Choose lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, salmon, egg whites, and peanut butter.

Eating more protein doesn't help you build muscle, strength training does! In general, you can get enough protein through diet and you don't need to take protein supplements to bulk up your muscles.

Remember that your body does not store the extra amounts of protein and may put pressure on your kidneys by making them work harder to get rid of the buildup of toxins due to the excess protein.


Fat is an essential component of your muscle activity and an important component of any healthy diet.

Choose healthy fats such as raw and unsalted nuts and seeds, avocado, canola oil, and olive oil.

Avoid unhealthy fats like butter, ice cream and ghee, and choose low-fat dairy products instead of full-fat foods.

Make sure that 20-30% of your daily calories are from fat.

4 . Don't forget to snack before and after exercise

Snacks before you work out give your muscles energy during your workout and help you bulk up, while snacks after you work out can help you get your energy back. Some of the ideal pre-workout snacks are cottage cheese, celery sticks or strawberries, and low-fat peanut butter. For snacks recommended after exercise, you can have milk chocolate, low-fat yogurt, fruit salad, or Greek yogurt with granola.

It is essential to nourish yourself by striking the right balance between carbohydrates and proteins. Eat a basic, complete meal three hours before exercising, followed by a light meal an hour before exercising, to aid in good digestion.

5 . Do exercise 

Strength training is very important when it comes to gaining muscle.

Plan to exercise in a balanced and consistent manner with correct techniques weekly.

Find the right balance. Overtraining and too little training affect your muscles negatively. Exercising with time to rest is the best way to achieve the best results.

Make rest and recovery a priority. In this regard, sleeping for 8 hours every night is important.

Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program

Fitness enthusiasts love challenges and are always looking to improve the exercises they do. If you are looking for the perfect and convenient meals that match your strength and enthusiasm and delivered to your home daily, then the Fuel Up program from Right Bite is the perfect solution for you, because it meets the needs of people who lead active lives. It is designed for people who want to increase muscle mass and achieve an ideal body fat percentage, as well as make sure they are getting the right nutrition to improve their athletic performance. This program balances carbohydrates and proteins to get the nourishment your body needs to achieve optimal results and increase your muscle mass to your liking.

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